RCS Parent Resources


Everything You Need, Nothing You Don't

It should be easy to find the information you need when it comes to your child. At RCS, we're on your team, and our goal is to help your child build their relationship with Christ. This is where you'll find everything you need when it comes to calendars, our business directory, Canvas information, and so much more.

Have You Heard of Scrip?

Scrip is simply a program for ordering gift cards from national and local retailers. Scrip gift cards are the same gift cards you would purchase directly from a retailer, but in an online format that directly supports RCS. With over 750 of the country’s biggest brands, Scrip has something to appeal to everyone.

The process is simple. Download the RaiseRight app and purchase an online gift card from your favorite brand. The enrollment code is EL84253C1526.
Immediately earn up to a 20% rebate on every purchase, with an additional 10% going to RCS. Thank you for your support as you shop!

Scrip - Raise Right

Canvas Information


Canvas is Resurrection Christian School's new Learning Management System. It is a fully functioning, all online platform that is robust and allows for learning anywhere in the world.

Here are a few helpful links to better assist you as a parent, student, or even someone that wants to learn more!

Forms & Handbooks

Coming soon, all of the forms, handbooks, and important documents that you need as a parent at RCS can be found in your FACTS Family Portal.

Until then, we've kept them here for you as a convenient resource when you need it!

What is Parent Teacher Fellowship?

Parent Teacher Fellowship (or PTF) was created to build a strong, unified Christian community that promotes parent involvement and teacher support at RCS. We believe that giving your heart and time to your student, teacher, and school staff is a valuable investment. RCS is a family and PTF has been created to craft and establish our family culture.

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How To Get Involved


We're always looking for more volunteers to join PTF!

If you're interested in connecting with our teachers and other RCS families, you must first fill out the Google form attached below along with a Raptor Background Check.

Then, check your email, social media, & monthly newsletters for upcoming volunteer & connection opportunities!

Thank you, RCS Parents! We're excited to serve with you as a Christian family.

RCS Prays Logo

Join One of Our Weekly Prayer Groups!

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Mom's in Prayer International™

Women of RCS, come together and cover our community in prayer!

  • When: Tuesdays
  • Time: 8:30 am
  • Location: High School Conference Room (Now located in the HS Office)

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RCS Praise!

Anyone in the RCS Family is welcome at this special weekly time of student-led worship & prayer!

  • When: Tuesdays
  • Time: 7:15 am
  • Location: High School Gym Foyer

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King's Men

Join other RCS Men every week for a time of prayer. Led by Noel Lawrence. For more info, email noelrl@comcast.net.

  • When: Thursdays
  • Time: 7:30 am
  • Location: High School Classroom 175