Merry Christmas to all of you!
RCS Christmas Chapel, 12-19-14
We are so blessed to be able to freely say those words at Resurrection Christian School. Students are actively learning Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Physical Fitness, and Technology along with learning about the birth of Jesus these days. Also, Mrs. Abell, our Music Teacher, has been busy helping each grade level practice their special Christmas songs to be performed at chapel on December 19, 2014 at 9:00 AM in the REZ Main Sanctuary. All family members are invited to the RCS Christmas Chapel that day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 AM that day to commence the beginning of Christmas Break.
Internet Safety
Many parents may be purchasing electronic devices for their children this Christmas. Tablets, computers, and phones are very much part of children’s lives these days. Several parents have asked me to recommend resources to educate them regarding technology so I have listed a fantastic website called “Netsmartz” below. Issues like cell phones, internet safety, gaming, cyberbullying, identity theft and more are listed on this parent page. Please take time to click on the link and read about how you can help your child use technology in a safe, responsible way. Technology can either be used for good or evil; let’s work together to help our children use it for good.
Table Talk with Mrs. Hoppe
One of my favorites times of the month is when I can sit down with parents over a cup of coffee and discuss how God is working here at RCS and also brainstorm ways we can work together to serve our students. My next Table Talk with me will be Friday, December 19th from 8:20-8:50 AM in the Staff Lounge. Although it will be a short time, I personally invite you to join me in this time of discussion and seeking God for direction for our school. Please plan to attend our
Christmas chapel right after Table Talk.
Merry Christmas,
Mrs. Patty Hoppe