Recent Blog Posts

Keep Kids Busy With Events in Your Area

June 6, 2017

While coming up with ideas to keep your children busy during the summer may be more challenging than you expected, Colorado is a place full of endless possibilities and adventures. So even if your kids are sick of the same old activities in your town, wherever that may be, there are so many other things…

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Social Acceptance in School

March 25, 2017

Anyone who’s gone through middle and high school understands the level of importance when it comes to being included with your peers. Statistically speaking, middle school is a foundational time where students will often choose their social group, and remain with that group, throughout the remainder of their schooling. Belonging to a particular group of…

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Teaching Your Child To Handle Conflict

March 5, 2017

Confrontation and conflict is a part of life. Though there are many ways to handle it, not all of them are beneficial, or healthy. Helping guide your child through healthy conflict can have a lasting effect on them, and give a solid foundation of conflict resolution at an early age. Let’s take a look at…

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Benefits of Extracurricular Activities

March 3, 2017

Getting your student involved in extracurricular activities is beneficial for more than just exercise and creative outlets. Multiple studies have been performed and the results are a lot more influential than initially understood. At Resurrection Christian School, we strive to provide a place for each individual to fit and feel a part of their community.…

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Silhouetted figures against a sunset holding crosses in the air.

Resurrection Values

February 16, 2017

Setting your child up for success is the goal of every parent. Passionate and intentional leadership is hard to find, and trusting your child to another environment for five days a week requires a high level of trust. Your child’s day to day life outside of your home is equally, if not more important than…

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Establishing Healthy Study Habits

February 15, 2017

High school brings on a unique sense of responsibility. Sports become more competitive, academic performance more crucial, and involvement more necessary than prior years. In the midst of all these commitments, it’s important, as a student, to learn now to navigate and manage your world to set you up for future success. At Resurrection Christian…

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