RCS Preschool
Our Mission
At RCS, we come alongside you and your child to build their relationship with Christ. We want your child to know, without a shadow of a doubt, who they are and whose they are.
At RCS Preschool, we understand that early childhood is the most important time of development in your child's life. Our teachers nourish each child’s physical, emotional, and social development in a safe, loving, Christian environment. Our hope and prayer for every student at RCS Preschool is that they fall in love with learning, and as they do, they fall in love with Jesus. Our staff is committed to serving families and seeing children succeed in their early education experience.
Prepare Hearts & Minds to Love God & People
Your child’s walk with the Lord will be nourished through:
- Our teachers, who prepare hearts and minds to love God and love people.
- A nurturing Christian environment where teachers recognize each child as a unique creation of God and help them celebrate their gifts and God-given strengths.
- Reading and memorizing scripture to build a solid foundation of Truth.
Enjoy Learning
Your child’s education will be enhanced through:
- Learning through centers, activities, and group and individual play engages children in growing in God’s Word while experiencing the world He made.
- Encouragement to discover, explore, develop, and grow their God-given talents through classroom activities and by participating in chapel, worship/music, and art class.
- Daily opportunities for spiritual growth through prayer, Bible stories, scripture verses, and chapels, so they grow into strong Christians with unwavering faith.
Become World Changers
Your child will gain an understanding of the world through:
- Development of strong Christian values and integrity by modeling how children can do the right thing even when no one is watching.
- Spanish class and learning about other cultures
- Learning to “see others” by being generous through Operation Christmas Child, and other opportunities to give.
- Sponsoring a child from another country through Vision Trust.
- Reading stories of other cultures in God’s Word, Genesis to Revelation
+ Years of Service
Part Time Classes Offered
Current Preschool Students
Open Enrollment Begins January 21st at 8:00 am
Preschool Stories & Testimonies
"One night last week we were driving home from swim lessons and I was asking the kids if it would be OK if I just drop them and their daddy off at home to go meet a few girls. Judah (hands in the air) exclaims, “Sure mom, but do you have all the important things that you need?” I replied, “I think so buddy.” He said, “Ok, so you have Jesus in your heart, and you have your cell phone?!” It was hilarious and truly a thing he wanted to make sure for me! So adorable.
So tonight the kids and I were in their bedroom and Judah (out of nowhere) said, “Let’s worship God!” I told him to go grab my phone because I was thinking he wanted to soak in worship music. He immediately corrected me and said, “Mom, we don’t need music to praise God!” And he started praying, “We love you, we will always love you, God you are in my heart forever, God we like that you died for us….” On and on he went. It was powerful!"
- Alicia Lewis
"Our family first chose to send our oldest daughter to RCS Preschool because some of our new neighbors recommended it. We had just moved to the area from out of state and were scrambling to find a preschool that wasn’t already full because of the time we moved. RCS was close to our home, a reasonable price and seemed like a good fit scholastically…and they had one spot left. To be honest, the Christian teaching at RCS was a bonus but not that important to me at the time nearly three years ago.
Since then, my priorities have changed dramatically because I’ve found a true saving relationship in Christ. I hadn’t intended for my preschooler to bring home what she’d learned at RCS and teach me and help grow my own faith, but she did. Now, my younger daughter is in preschool at RCS, and her spiritual education is just as important to me as her ABCs and 123s. Yes, RCS Preschool prepared my girls well for their next educational grade levels, but it also helped lay a foundation of faith for their lifetimes. For that, I’ll always be grateful we took that last spot three years ago."
- Heather Henstock
"About a week into our son’s second year attending RCS Preschool I began the internal debate about whether it was “worthwhile” to send my son to preschool. Money wasn’t an issue but we were still making a sizeable financial investment into a very young child and wondered if it was really necessary at this stage in his life. That morning I decided we were going to have to make a tough decision soon.
I pulled my car up to the pick-up point and saw my son. He smiled as he hopped into the car, ready to fill me in on the day’s activities. Before I could get a word out he exclaimed, “Daddy! Guess what? Jeshush (His pronunciation of Jesus) loves me SO much! All I have to do is open the door to my heart and ask him in! And guess what? I did!”
My wife and I have been so pleased with every aspect of our son’s attendance at RCS Preschool. Our son loves socializing, learning, and adores his teachers. Most importantly, he is having someone other than his parents share the love of Christ with him. I can think of nothing more important than preparing him in every way possible to make the right choices in his future. There is no greater investment."
- Ben Emslie (and Charity)
"We have been blessed to be part of 2 great Christian preschools in Loveland. This year with our move to RCS for Elementary, we had our preschooler start in the RCS preschool as well. We have been pleased with the curriculum, teaching, and structure. We are delighted by the amount of Bible verses and stories our daughter has not just learned, but hidden in her heart and applied to her life! We are so thankful for RCS preschool and the wonderful teachers who are helping us raise our children to love and serve Him!"
- Robin Flores-Let’s Play Music Instructor
"On any given school day, when I ask Caden what he learned at preschool he often says, “I don’t know!” But today was much different… Caden: “Mommy I learned the fruits of the spirit! It’s not a pineapple! Not a mango! Not a banana! Patience, goodness, kindness, self control… love, joy and peace!!” Amazing what my child is learning, the most valuable lessons of all!!"
- Katie Cherrington
"Definitely did the ugly cry while dropping off the kiddos for their last day at REZ preschool!! I cannot thank the teachers/director enough for what they have instilled in my children. Their love for God goes beyond measure and the things my kids bring home, say, and pray are unbelievable. What other kid will go to a party and be asked what they want for face paint….my son responded “Jesus” he could have had Spider-Man, batman but no he knows who the most amazing hero is! We are going to miss you wonderful teachers thanks for all your gifts and praying over my family! We are also going to miss the wonderful friends we have made there, not only my kiddos but me to! Love to you all!!"
- Lindsay Daniels
Preschool Class Schedules, Fees, & Enrollment
RCS Preschool is a half-day program for children ages 2.5 through Pre-K 5.
School year: The last week of August through mid-May each school year. Children may be enrolled at any time during the school year as long as classes are not filled.
(Child must be 2 1/2 years old by their first day of school)
Classes are offered as ONE or TWO half days per week, with the following schedule:
Mon/Wed: 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15 - 3:15 pm
Tues/Thurs: 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 pm
Friday: 8:30-11:30 am only
Tues/Thurs: 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 pm
Mon/Wed/Fri: 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 pm
Pre-K 4
Mon/Wed/Fri: 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 pm
Tues/Thurs: 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 pm
Mon-Fri 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 *
Pre-K 5
Tues/Thurs: 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 pm
Mon/Wed/Fri: 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 pm
Mon-Thurs: 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 pm
Mon-Fri 8:30-11:30 am or 12:15-3:15 *
*The Enrichment class meets on Tues./Thurs. a.m. or p.m. and is in addition to the Mon./Wed./Fri. Pre-K 4 (Budding Blossoms) and Pre-K 5 (Amazing Grapes) classes, making a 5 half-day program for your child.
The Enrichment class has a spiritual emphasis–children will grow in their faith and discover their identity in Christ through God’s Word.
Registration Fee (yearly): $100 (includes field trip fee, if applicable)
($170 maximum registration fee per family per year)
1 half-day: $1395/year ($155/month)
2 half-day: $2520/year ($280/month)
3 half-day: $3285/year ($365/month)
4 half-day: $4005/year ($445/month)
5 half-day: $4590/year ($510/month)
Monthly tuition payments begin on August 15th and end on April 15th (9 months). School is in session the last week of August through mid-May.
*Preschool Office hours are 8:00-4:00, Monday through Friday