Keep Kids Busy With Events in Your Area
While coming up with ideas to keep your children busy during the summer may be more challenging than you expected, Colorado is a place full of endless possibilities and adventures. So even if your kids are sick of the same old activities in your town, wherever that may be, there are so many other things going on during the summer that your kids will love.
In our last blog, we went over how to keep your kids busy during the summer. And while trying to force them to go out and do things, it is all much easier when there is stuff going in town to get them excited to go out and about. Looking at the most popular and the hidden gems of Colorado, we will explore some of the best summer events that your kids are sure to love!
Fort Collins
Fort Collins is always a popular spot for festivals, events, and fun for the family. Whether your kids are young and require your supervision or old enough to explore the city with some friends, these events will be enjoyable to everyone.
This summer, Fort Collins has weekly events, monthly events, weekend events, and one time events. There is no reason to be bored in FoCo.
Every Tuesday until Sept. 27, there is a food truck rally in City Park. This involves many of the town’s favorite food trucks coming together to offer great food with a side of fun. Most of the food truck are the same each week but that doesn’t mean there isn’t always something new to try. From chicken and waffles to poutine fries, there are many flavors, different styles of food, music, and tons of space for your and your family. This event is a great time to get your family together for a fun and new experience, not worry about making dinner, and find new favorite food trucks.
Looking for some more musical fun? Every Wednesday at the Colorado State University Lagoon, there are live bands playing for free. These concerts are intimate, fun for all ages, and have food trucks to support your hunger while you support the bands. This is a fun summer night event and can give you all something fun to do in the middle of the week when you need a break as a family. These concerts start on June 14 and you can find the lineup here.
This weekend in Old Town Fort Collins, the Taste of Fort Collins will take place, featuring concerts, food, and even more family fun. And later in July, another famous Fort Collins festival will pop into action: Bohemian Nights. There are musical nights that are fun for all ages and can give you all something fun to do rather than stay inside on beautiful summer nights.
There are many more events in Fort Collins, but these are some that bring the most attention and last the longest, giving you places to go every week of the summer!
Loveland doesn’t quite have as many summer long events as Fort Collins, but it does offer many fun and unique events that can be the perfect family outing.
This weekend, on June 9, the Blow Up: Inflatable Contemporary Art exhibit is coming to the Loveland museum. This exhibit if full of, well blow up artwork, that will be interesting and fun for your family and you to enjoy. Visit the museum for art turned 3D and inflated. These works of art include works from popular artists and add a new look and feel to the museum.
At the Art By Bike Tour, your family can enjoy a laidback bike ride through the art filled streets of Loveland. See murals, sculptures, and more, all while learning about them throughout the ride. Want to see more art work by local artists while enjoying natural beauty? On June 17, the 14th Annual Garden Tour and Art Show brings you through beautiful garden that feature art from local artists. You can also join the town for the 51st Annual Art in the Park on August 12.
Art is a huge part of the Loveland culture but if you have an appreciation for music more than art, you can always catch one of the Foote Lagoon Concerts. Be sure to also enjoy a movie with all of your friends and family. On June 30, the Main Plaza in Loveland will be hosting a Movie on Main, the perfect way to enjoy the outdoors and a movie!
Throughout the summer, on most Saturdays, Chilson Recreation Center hosts a Kids Nite Out—get your kids having fun and hanging with some friends during these events!
Milliken, as a smaller town, may not offer as many festivals and events that draw crowds in, but they are still great events for the family and will help you all stay involved in the community.
Join Milliken for their annual Beef ‘N Bean Day, which started in 1924. This event offers many different booths and vendors. Participate in the events, enjoy a pancake breakfast, the parade, games for the kids, live music, and of course beef and beans. What a great way to spend your day as the summer comes to an end. This celebration is on August 12.
There are teen and tween crafts days, candy bar BINGO nights, and drop in craft days that you can enjoy all summer long. Milliken may not host as many events to keep you busy all summer long, but they offer some relaxed and smaller events for days the family is bored at home.
Estes Park
Estes is always a great place to bring the family. Whether it is for one of the many events, or just to explore the town, or RMNP.
There are several events that are educational, interesting, and fun for kids. There are kids fly-fishing, campfire ghost stories, “Who Pooped?” events, and sunset safaris every Friday evening. This is a great place for the whole family. Any and all ages can find something fun and interesting in Estes Park.
You can camp and spend a weekend up in the beautiful town or just head up for a day trip. This town is far enough to feel like a wild mountain vacation but close enough to only spend a few hours.
Whether you stick around your own town or venture to a new and unknown place, Colorado is a great state for adventures, events, and finding something new no matter where you go! Check out the city event calendars to find fun events for the whole family.
Before you start thinking about school again and getting your kids ready for their next year at Resurrection Christian School, plan for a ton of fun this summer! You can always find something fun for you and the family to do in Colorado! Get exploring and enjoy the summer!