The Secret to a Well Rounded Education
If you’re pondering enrolling your child in private school, you’re probably aware of the value of being a learned individual in the 21st century. In fact, for the past hundreds of years, being someone with plenty of book smarts, and being equipped with a whole, well-rounded education is an advantage that can’t be matched by much. Setting your child up for life includes a myriad of things, like saving for college, teaching them moral obligations, but it also comes with more subtle lessons and tasks. Sometimes, instead of being able to derive some of the most important lessons from various texts, you’ll need to employ experience. As a parent, there’s a whole host of ways that you can access experiences for your child to partake in. For culture and other finer things can only be appreciated after you’ve fostered an appreciation for the ideas of them. Architecture isn’t stunning if it seems commonplace to your child.
The Power of History
To form our ideals of a well-rounded education, we’ve included the study of Christian religions, and the includes the things that bolstered the Christian religion like an acknowledgment of the hardships of yesteryear and how far and long the good book has traveled to be a scripture to this day. Encouraging a sense of awe for how many years the scripture has survived can begin by encouraging an appreciation for the other accomplishments from human-kind. The best way you can combine the principles of awe in regard to our accomplishments as well as create new experiences for your child is travel. There’s nothing quite like going to a new and completely different place to help you really get a sense of how other people live and how their culture formed as opposed to our own. We’ve collected some of our favorite locations to visit to improve your child’s view of history and the incredible expanse of years between us and the monuments that miraculously still stand today.
Rome, Italy
It’s certainly something to seethe birthplace of the Christian religion as well as the birthplace of modern civilization. Rome is home to buildings that are painted the colors of the sunset, with little, rough-hewn cobblestones that are interrupted by little green sprouts that poke up between each cobble. The buildings are all decorated with carved angels, crown molding painted crisp eggshell white and columns with holes drilled into the stone to extract the ancient Roman’s extra support metal that went through the center for more industrial purposes over the centuries. You can peer at the huge chariot ring, with huge modern and ancient buildings built up around its rim, with a gorgeous carved fountain browning the center of the arena and some remainder of the old stadium seating lingering at the elongated curve on either edge. You can walk among the seats of the Coliseum and see the stone crumbling from thousands of years of weathering and use. Pass through catacombs filled with bones and prayers from long-dead lips carved into the walls near the crypts. You can even peer over certain railings along the sidewalk and look down into the depths of what the city once was, as Rome has rebuilt itself on the remains of its old buildings from its start. You can peek through years of history and watch the city evolve through layers, now covered with moss and foliage, but still visible. It’s a stunning area, and the mixture of modern culture in tandem with the undertones of thousands of years of history makes a culture that’s entirely unique from ours.
Beyond the Scenery
Once you get past the surface beauty of such a remarkable place, it’s still a perfect opportunity for your child to get the experiences they need to earn that well-rounded education you’re hoping they’ll have by the time they’re an adult. With the additional knowledge that they can gain from their experiences at Resurrection Christian School, they’ll be able to form opinions about the history they’re walking through. They’ll be able to appreciate the Borgia apartments when they tour the elaborate frescos within the walls of the Vatican as well as marvel at how well the Catholic church has managed to preserve hundreds of years of history for mankind. They’ll get to observe piazzas from ancient Rome that have completely encased and preserved by the Vatican as well as the magnificent art from renaissance artists that have managed to survive for the past 600 years because of the marvel of organized Christianity and an appreciation for humans as they are made in God’s image and love the joy of creation.
The Difference Between Text and Experience
Seeing pictures is never enough in regard to the wonders of art and architecture and human creation. Experience is far preferred and while there are little wonders to be experienced in everyday life, the real privilege comes into play. There are amazing things to be seen in your local area, but the culture and history we have access to is nothing in comparison to what the literal birthplace of Christianity has to offer. From tiny tiled mosaics to subway stations full of bustling people and so much more. If we were to recommend a real bonding experience that can double as a way to put your child’s world education above and beyond, we’d recommend Rome, Italy.
Set The Right Foundation
Rome has been around for so long because the foundation that men like Caesar and Constantine laid for the city. Set the right foundation for your child by investing in their education from the very start. At Resurrection Christian School, we’re interested in providing our students with the sort of education that creates well-prepared adults who are cultured, well-advised and have the proper idea of who God is in their life. Reach out to us to find out more about enrollment opportunities and more now.