MAY 2015- Shifting Gears
Well, here we are again! The ending of one season and the beginning of another. It’s almost time to pull back a little, turn off the alarm clocks, reset our hearts and minds, and hopefully connect on a deeper level with our families and friends. It’s time to soak up some sun, catch some baseball games, take long walks, and dive into those “have-to read” books that are piling up on our nightstands! A book that I’m reading now is called The Power of Pause: Becoming More by Doing Less by Terry Hershey. This is not a spirit-filled, fiery, passionate book, but one that simply teaches pausing and how to re-order your schedule. It helps you stop, see, feel, experience, enjoy, and breathe in the moments of life. So often “life” happens and those precious moments slip away without us really absorbing them! Of course, graduation ceremonies are one of those occasions. Making sure everybody is dressed, faces washed, and getting to the ceremony early enough to get a decent seat is usually on the forefront of our minds. But this year, once you make it to that seat, I will challenge you to pause, look around, take a deep breath, and fully embrace the next 60 minutes. Oh, and you might bring some Kleenex…♥
A Prayer from the Preschool staff of RCS to the 2015 Preschool Graduates:
May you go in the power of the Holy Spirit, may you dream dreams, see visions, and love deep, and may you know that you are deeply loved. (This is the prayer that all the classes say at the end of the day).♥
And, I will add this amazing scripture from the passion translation…Philippians 1:2, “May the blessings of divine grace and supernatural peace that flow from God our wonderful Father, and our anointed Messiah, the Lord Jesus, be upon your lives.”
We feel so blessed and honored to have been a part of your early education. It is our greatest hope and prayer that you have felt loved, safe, and celebrated while in our care!
Upcoming events:
Park day for Budding Blossoms and Tender Vines, May 6/7. (Weather pending)
Field Day for Amazing Grapes, May 7/8 (Weather pending)
Graduation Day: Friday, May 15 for the AMAZING GRAPES classes. 6 p.m. in the Rez MAIN Sanctuary
Camp Wannabehere: Monday, June 15-Thursday June 18, 9-12 or 9-2:00 p.m. for ages 3-6. Sign up in the preschool office. Space is limited!