Social Acceptance in School

Anyone who’s gone through middle and high school understands the level of importance when it comes to being included with your peers. Statistically speaking, middle school is a foundational time where students will often choose their social group, and remain with that group, throughout the remainder of their schooling. Belonging to a particular group of individuals when puberty hits and responsibilities pile up becomes a staple necessity that leaves most students clamoring for a sense of connection. As a result, students are often put into compromising situations, bullied, or left alone. Resurrection Christian School has devoted itself to creating an environment where we openly welcome and embrace those with versatile backgrounds. Providing an atmosphere of encouragement for each individual is part of our purpose, and we strive to build each of our students up in confidence through the love of Christ.

Levels of Acceptance

Whether it’s in a sport, a classroom, an after school event, or an invitation to a birthday party, being left out is one of the most heart-wrenching things adolescents face. Strictly from a peer basis, many young students encounter a deep craving to be a part of a group that will give them some identity, direction, and overall purpose. Overall, it’s safe to say there is a piece of each individual that wants to belong, to be a part, to be purposed. Having an environment where you are accepted with open arms is an imperative. Acceptance can be shown in a variety of ways, though most commonly sought out through their peers.

Though it’s found that students with strong family connections have an effect on how their search for peer acceptance, there has still been evidence that students who start school with a friend early in life result in academic benefits. For this reason, there have continued to be more of a goal to understand what additional effects are apparent when looking at an accepting atmosphere scholastically.

What Effects They Have

Socially, being accepted by peers will often equate to a healthier level of function with interactions, both socially and professionally. In children that are school age who are accepted by their peers, there has been a correlation identified with how they interacted with others in the following ways:

  • Had a more accurate reading of another individual’s tone and body language.
  • Respond effectively and directly when being addressed by another peer.
  • Support their actions and opinions.
  • Have a respectful and healthy response to compromise and work with other peers.


There is further evidence supporting that students who are well liked by peers have an even stronger response to these interactions and strive to make them more personal, speaking out more confidently, and have a better interpretation and sensitivity to the responses of others. Furthermore, studies have shown there is an additional correlation between a student’s level of peer acceptance and their physical health.

Resurrection’s Acceptance Protocol

At Resurrection Christian School, acceptance is a non-negotiable. We are proud of our Christian faith and represent a wide variety of backgrounds. Maintaining an atmosphere where students can be supported, driven and encouraged, is part of the culture here at Resurrection. Striving to embrace and teach a multitude of ages, we have continued to grow in numbers and currently have the highest ranking test scores in Northern Colorado. Entrusting your children to a school where they will be poured into and set in a healthy direction is one of the most important aspects to consider when it comes to schooling.
Visit our website to learn more about the culture of RCS, and how your children and family can become a part of ours. Schedule a free tour to check out the atmosphere for yourself and meet some of our wonderful staff members. At Resurrection Christian School, we strive to provide a safe, nurturing, and educational atmosphere for our students- leaving them academically equipped and globally prepared. Visit our campus today and join our family, we can’t wait to meet you.