Helping Your Child Study- Part 2
As we discussed in our previous blog, helping your child develop healthy study habits is a great way to help them succeed in and out of the classroom. Especially when it comes to testing, parents also have an opportunity to connect with their child during the studying process. In our last blog, we addressed some successful steps would be to get organized, stay up to date with their teacher(s), and have a schedule of their schedule. Today, we’re going to give you a few more pointers on what can further help develop a healthy study approach. Enroll your child in our Christian high school and discover the RCS difference.
Phone Monitoring
Distractions are an ever-growing issue when it comes to focusing. Between social media and the television, there is a vast list of distractions and access to them. When you know your child has homework or a test to study for, help them set up by removing all distractions. If your child does well when there is music on, try choosing a genre that doesn’t have lyrics to help them concentrate on the task at hand.
We understand monitoring the distractions can be difficult, which is why we encourage checking in with your child periodically to see if they are having troubles with completing the assignment or focusing on the test material.
More Than Reading
One of the misconceptions associated with studying is that only includes reading over the material, or filling out the homework. Quite the contrary, successful study sessions include much more. Whether your child is studying for a test, or simply completing an assignment, encourage them to actively study. A few ways to do this could include: highlighting topics throughout their class period for the next test, taking notes as they read, analyze tables and charts, skim through necessary material, paraphrase what they are reading/studying, or making a flashcard system.
Time Frames
An important key to help your child succeed in their study habits is by allowing study breaks. If there seems to be an increase in their frustration when you check in with them, have them step back and take a mental break for a while. When there is intense anger or frustration in understanding the material, it’s highly unlikely there will be any knowledge retention of the material. In the instance where your child is overly frustrated and needs clarification on the subject, have them stop for the evening and contact their teacher and discuss the situation. If there needs to be a large amount of time spend on schoolwork, try breaking it up with dinner. Taking a break and interacting with family can help reset their focus.
Help Them Study
In some cases, stepping in to help them cover material or quiz them on different subjects to help them prepare. Be mindful though, if your child is simply having a difficult time working through the schoolwork, encourage them to try and find the answer first, before you get involved. This is a great way to challenge them to try their hardest and come to a conclusion themselves- promoting a self-sufficient mentality. Always encourage them during the process, and give them hints to guide them in the right direction, if needed.
Resurrection Christian School is here to help launch your kids into the world equipped with a Christian foundation, academic success, and preparation for what is next. We thrive because of the families that are a part of our school. With the highest ranking test scores in Northern Colorado, we set each student on a path of academic intentionality, ensuring staff assistance along the way. Set your child on a rock of solid Christian faith, and enroll them in Resurrection Christian School today. Visit our website to schedule a tour of our campus.