A Unique Masterpiece

With 429 students enrolled in the elementary in Resurrection Christian School, I am continually amazed at how God has made each and every child as a unique masterpiece. Each morning, I greet students as they enter our school and see children who smile, giggle, hug, and skip into school.  I try to greet each and every one of them by name, but I have to admit at times, my memory fails me and I resort to saying, “Welcome, friend,” because that is exactly what they are to me. Our Lord, Jesus, forgets no one’s name because He crafted each and every one of us.


Psalm 139-13-15

13For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. 14I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. 15My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;…


I encourage you to remember that your child/children have been crafted by the God of the universe with their own unique temperament, passions, spiritual gifts, personality, abilities and quirks. At times, it is easy to compare children to others and even tell ourselves, “I wish he/she was more like ____.” You may even be tempted to compare your child to other children in his/her classroom and inadvertently pressure your child to be like someone else. Remember that your child has been fearfully and wonderfully made and deserves to be celebrated for just who they are. Your child may not learn how to spell words as quickly as another child; that’s OK. Your child may not run as fast as another child; that’s OK. Maybe your child needs extra support with reading or math; that’s OK. Celebrate who God has made your child because God makes masterpieces.


I end this letter with a poem by Rita Bourland. The poem beautifully communicates how each child is a unique masterpiece created by God. I hope you enjoy it. Pass it on to another parent and lift your praise to our Lord for your child.



Each child is unique,

each tender

little mind,

so eager for acceptance,

so eager

all the time.

A child’s needs are simple,

and I will tell you why,

it starts with love


great respect

for who they are inside.

To grow and learn

they need the best,

they need to know we care,

they need a firm and loving hand,

they need to know we’re there.

Someday they’ll strike out on their own,

to find their place in life,

they’ll travel, study, see the world,

encounter joy and strife.

But while they’re young and in the fold

they need us by their side,

to navigate life’s ups and downs,

to be a loving guide.


Mrs. Hoppe