Girl looking down at something she's writing.

Helping Your Student Study

Whether you have a child in elementary, middle, or high school, you’re familiar with the homework, test prep, and necessity for time management in the midst of other responsibilities. The older your child gets, the likelier they are to be more of a recluse when it comes to studying. Regardless of the stage of life your student is in, finding ways to connect with them and help them succeed in school is always a beneficial and a bonus to strengthen your connection. Today we’re going to talk about a few key ways to connect with your student, and how to help them prepare for tests and school projects.

Organization Is Key

Getting organized is always a wise choice and it will set you up for success right off the bat. When there is a disarray of supplies, papers, and books, it can be overwhelming and difficult for you to start. Try designating a specific area where you both can set up and have separate folders for each subject. If you feel the need to, use tabs to mark different chapters you need to cover or concepts your child is having a difficult time grasping. You can even go as far as separating the homework needing to be completed from the work that has been completed in order to mitigate any confusion.

Develop a Parent/Teacher Relationship

The best time to initiate this relationship is at the beginning of the year when your child starts school. As they get older and have multiple teachers for each subject, make sure to meet each one. Communicate immediately that you want to play a part in helping your child learn, and you are there to partner with them. This is extremely beneficial for the teacher to know as well and will keep your child accountable while they are in the midst of the classroom, outside of your line of sight.

Another way to strengthen your interaction is by attending parent/teacher conferences, when applicable. This is a great way to have a structured conversation around your child’s progress, behavior, and interactions with classmates and authority.

Your relationship with your child’s teacher will help establish a consistency and open line of communication that can help build their success, in and out of the classroom.

Have a Schedule of Their Schedule

The more time that goes by, the busier everyone gets. A great way to ensure your child is on top of their schedule is having a copy of it for yourself. Sometimes they forget, other times they procrastinate. Having a scheduled reminder for tests, and when to start studying, can help them stay accountable for studying, and it allows you to be available for help if they need it.
Check back for another blog with helpful tips on how to help your child prepare for tests. Resurrection Christian School is here to provide quality education for students, and trustworthy relationships with their parents. We have a passion for each individual and the purpose for which they were created. Visit our site today and schedule a tour of our campus, we can’t wait to meet you!