Affecting Culture with a Biblical Worldview
Developing an education that trains students to see their lives through the lens of biblical truth is vital to the mission of RCS. In Acts 17:17 we read about Paul in Athens; “So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons, and in the marketplace every day with those who happened to be there.”
Notice Paul reasoned with people who believed in God as well as with atheists every day. Truth be told, Acts 17 is one of my favorite episodes in Paul’s ministry. Paul’s message to both the Jewish community as well as to the Athenian public, in general, was so persuasive, he was brought to the Areopagus (Mars’ Hill) to explain his teaching about Jesus.
Paul at the Center of Greek Philosophy
While in the midst of explaining Jesus to the powerful council which met at the Areopagus, Paul uses the culture of Athens to point to Christ. Paul tells them although they have a statue made to an unknown god, he has come to proclaim to them the identity of the god. As he differentiates gods made with human hands from the God of the universe, Paul shares some of the attributes of God. He even uses Greek poetry to make his point. Some of those present that day scoffed at him, while others were open to hearing more. But some, including a member of the council, believed.
Students in the Classroom at RCS
At RCS, we want our students to be as Boldly Christian as Paul was speaking to the intellectuals of his day. We want to train influencers who can not only converse in the marketplace of ideas but transform them. This is why teaching from a biblical perspective in all of our classes is vital. Bible classes are essential to our philosophy, but they are not the only form of biblical training we give our students. We can talk about biblical friendship in English, the momentum of the Christian life in Physics, and how to biblically care for our society in History classes. These opportunities to use our entire curriculum and to challenge each student’s entire intellect are designed to help graduates use cultural markers for God’s work in the future.
Christians in the First Century
On a trip to Athens, I found one of my favorite historical facts. The church which began as a result of the events in Acts 17 sat at the base of Mars Hill, the very seat of Athenian intellectual prowess. Paul did not share hopes and wishes with his hearers. He spoke the truth of God and the reasonableness of faith. He used biblical truth, cultural touchpoints, and local literature to accomplish this. Our desire at RCS is to be a staff and a community that winsomely, reasonably, and appropriately uses every aspect of life to draw others into a relationship with Christ.
Written by Scott Nandor, RCHS Principal