State Volleyball

There was much to celebrate throughout the State Volleyball tournament this weekend: 3-set Cougar victories against good teams from Ridgeway, Fowler and Paonia; great RCS fan support (more RCS blue than most of the 4A and 5A schools including many members of the RCS football team who drove four hours from their playoff victory in Meeker to cheer on the Lady Cougars); an awesome display of this team’s character, sportsmanship, excellence and truly living out their AO1 (Audience of One) motto.

In the end, a worthy Yuma team (runners up for the last 3 years) won in 5 sets – but all who witnessed the final prayer circle, and as many RCS volleyball team athletes and parents have since reflected on the weekend and the season and the 85-2 3-season record know: God was glorified through this group of young women and coaches and we can be proud to call them our Lady Cougars, 2015 State Volleyball Championships Runner Up.