Recent Blog Posts

Family New Year’s Resolutions

December 14, 2018

New Year’s Eve is exciting for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons for this feeling of joy is the thought of a clean slate. A whole new and fresh year to make some changes in your life. A chance to reflect on the past year, and to create room for growth in the…

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Battling Smartphones As a Parent

November 1, 2018

Social media feels like a minefield lately. With your aunt being impersonated on Facebook and the mere existence of Snapchat can be easy, as a guardian, to start eyeing that smartphone in your child’s hand a little suspiciously. Can you honestly remember the last time you got on a social media channel and were not…

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The Influence of Communication for Teens – Part 2

October 20, 2018

Communication is such an important aspect of life. It can be hard to deduce how best to communicate with your child about the importance of being able to express themselves and talk to other people. As the saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child.” Don’t think that the responsibility of showing your…

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The Influence of Communication for Teens

October 15, 2018

We know that sometimes it certainly seems easier to just not talk to your teens. They’re combative and nearly always on edge and all those hormones racing through their blood make them into a person that’s not really them. Of course, you want your teenager to be able to talk to when they need you,…

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How Criticism Too Early May Alter How Your Child Interprets Emotional Information

June 30, 2018

The continued development of psychology has illuminated interesting ways in which the brain reacts to its own hormonal changes, especially in children. It’s totally fascinating to find out how your child’s brain processes information and how they adjust based on environmental factors and what little details they pick up. As the parent, you have the…

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Creating Open Lines Of Communication With Your High School Student

May 7, 2018

High school can be a wonderful time during which you watch your child transition from adolescent to adult. It can also be a challenging time of change for your child as they navigate the complex waters of teenagehood. The best thing a teenager can have in their life during the highs and lows is a…

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Girl resting her head on her hands, looking to her left.

Preventing The Summer Slump – Staying School Ready

May 3, 2018

When school lets out, it is time for summer fun to begin. Your children probably eagerly anticipate this time of year-long summer days perfect for hanging out with friends and the freedom of making their own schedule. While a summer break is a great time for your child to recoup from a busy school year,…

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Blonde waitress holding a platter with two sandwiches.

The Benefits of a Summer Job For High Schoolers

April 4, 2018

Summer is a great time for your children to take a break from school, relax, and spend time with their friends and the family. Giving your child a break from school and allowing them to spend the summer having fun is a good way to help them not get burnt out. But as your children…

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Three girls walking through a school hallway.

Benefits of Private Schools

March 6, 2018

Many parents are often faced with a question when considering their children’s education — public or private? In Northern Colorado, we are blessed with a ton of great public schools. But the question of whether you should enroll your child in a public or private school is a tough one that many parents struggle with.…

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Girl doing an assignment in a classroom.

Helping Your Child Develop a Love For School

January 11, 2018

School should be fun, exciting, and a place your child feels as though they belong. Your kids have the chance to learn about many different subjects, join a wide variety of groups, and meet people from many different backgrounds. While school is meant to help your children explore different subjects and become part of a…

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